Let’s get started! This workshop is a mark making and daily drawing class with Kate Bingaman-Burt!
Come draw with us—no experience required!
Make Your Mark is a fun and accessible workshop about drawing and finding delight and inspiration in everyday objects! In this workshop, illustrator and educator Kate Bingaman-Burt will introduce herself and her work, share examples of other creatives for inspiration, offer a selection of drawing prompts, and guide participants through the methods and motivations for starting and keeping a simple daily (or not so daily) drawing practice.
Zero drawing experience is needed to dive into this workshop, and you only need a few items like mark making tools (whatever pens and pencils you have on hand are perfect!) and a piece of paper. We kick perfectionism to the curb as we explore different materials, styles and concepts!

Kate will guide participants through starting their own mark making library and will offer a ton of ideas to keep you drawing and making. You’ll walk away from this workshop overflowing with ideas and the desire to MAKE and MAKE and MAKE!
It’s Kate! Making things!
Let’s make! Check our events calendar for upcoming classes or contact us to schedule a private workshop!
A private workshop we did with We Make in 2018!